Disruptors in Energy
Perhaps the disruptors for the energy sector are more obvious than those for finance and insurance. Indeed the energy sector is the most susceptible to disruption. Not just for their own sake but for the sake of society and the planet itself. Climate Change and the need for NetZero as well as an ever increasing number of alternative energy sources such as electrification not to mention environmental regulations are powerful forces for change.
But with the energy sector this needs to be done safely, very safely although quickly - and quicker if possible.
To accomplish this requires a radical new way of thinking - change - business agility is needed and as with finance and insurance the energy sector is not immune to the younger generation as they want to live in a cleaner planet friendly way.
So what is business agility anyway? It is an organisations ability to adapt quickly to market conditions both internally and externally, respond rapidly with high value to their customers providing continuous innovation - and - doing all of it faster than the competition.
Call us today to see where we can help.